德州迷幻搖滾三重奏 Khruangbin - Live in Taipei

Organizer TP&C





這道奇異之聲,就是Khruagnbin,一個深受音樂歷史啟發的迷幻三重奏。由貝司手Laura Lee,吉他手Mark Speer和鼓手Donald“DJ”Johnson所組成。廣放汲取來自各地與各時代的靈感,他們的音樂融合了60年代泰國的放克場景,以及70年代的波斯搖滾樂,外加80年代阿爾及利亞交響樂以及Disco舞曲,更結合了靈魂與Disco和Balearic跳舞音樂。(他們的團名Khruagnbin是泰文裡“引擎飛翔(飛機)”的意思。)


在牧場裡累積了許多粉絲之後(!?)Khruagnbin開始向外探索,決定了解人類是否也會喜歡他們的音樂。事實證明,他們的觀眾就如他們的音樂一樣,豐富而多樣。近年他們不斷在美國與歐陸的巡迴,許多大城市如紐約、倫敦、柏林皆場場售罄。甚至獲邀迷霧聖父Fahter John Misty與Massive Attack等大團暖身,也曾於Glastonbury、Love Internationl Croatia等音樂節演出。一路上廣受Worldwide FM的 Gilles Peterson與BBC Radio的DJ Zane Lowe力薦,媒體如i-D、Clash、紐約時報、英國衛報、KCRW等強力推送,2016年也獲邀Boiler Room首次線上直播出演。

Khruagnbin的首張專輯《The Universe Smiles Upon You》於2015年11月發布,廣受好評。2018年1月他們發行了第二張專輯《Con Todo El Mundo》,迷幻氣氛依舊,像一場無盡的捲煙迷霧,不停的在空間裡飛舞撲騰。輕灑上隻字片語、微弱的聲音旋律,以及無可挑惕的吉他獨奏。他們再次讓領著聽者展開漫長而愉快的點頭之旅,一同在大陸與時空中擺盪。

Khruagnbin即將抵台揮灑迷幻,2018年5月18日晚上8點在PIPE Live Music開唱。



If you ever find yourself in Burton, Texas -- population 359 -- you may hear some strange sounds coming from a particularly remote barn.

The sounds are that of Khruangbin, a psychedelic trio who draw inspiration from the deepest depths of music history: mixing 1960's funk scene in Thailand, 1970's Persian rock music, and 1980's Algerian Symphonia with a dash of disco, soul, and Balearic music.

Though the band's inspiration comes from all around the world, their roots are distinctly Texan. Ever since their first rehearsals, Khruangbin have recorded at their remote Burton barn, their spiritual home. Which means their stage performance was honed not playing to hipsters in venues, but to cows out to pasture.

After developing a fan base of the barnyard variety, they decided to find out if humans would enjoy their music too. Since then, they've found their audiences just as diverse as the music itself -- selling out headline shows in the US, UK and Europe, supporting acts like Father John Misty and Massive Attack, and late last year, signing on to be Corona's official brand sound.

Their debut album, The Universe Smiles Upon You, was released by Night Time Stories in November 2015 to widespread acclaim. Followed by the second album, Con Todo El Mundo, is a long and pleasant head nod that seems to hang between continents and eras too.


★資訊 INFO
日期 | Date : 2018 / 5/ 18 (星期五)
時間 | Time:19:30入場、20:00開演
地址 | Address:中正區思源街1號(自來水園區/公館水岸)
票價 | 早鳥NT1090、預售NT1190、現場票NT1390
售票 | https://tpandcevents.kktix.cc/events/e202dd42-copy-1









Listen to the fresh sound in Taipei.


PIPE LIVE HOUSE / 中正區思源街1號

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Ticket Type Sale Period Price

2018/04/03 09:30(+0800) ~ 2018/05/18 00:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$1,090

2018/04/03 09:30(+0800) ~ 2018/05/18 00:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$1,190
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